
Yuval Ron & Uyanga Bold: Scared Spiral

Yuval Ron & Uyanga Bold
Scared Spiral
(Metta Mindfulness Music)

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Yuval Ron joins with Uyanga Bold for a trip through vocal flights of space and synth sounds on their Scared Spiral release.

The 7-song collection begins with Bold showing her high vocals over wine glass-like drone synths on the drawn-out “Ethereal Voyage” into some discordant horn sounds. Bold really wails on the second tune, “Voice of Freedom.”

As we sail onward down this spiral, ten musicians help Ron and Uyanga along on their journey. We get some sweet, sad plucking from Pandit Nayan Ghosh under Gold on “Water of Forgiveness” and on what I feel might be the best song here, the deep low roll of Andrju Werderitsch’s didgeridoo on the last song, “Deep Earth Chant,” with Kenneth Goff offering gongs later in a song that gives us a far away chant and a truly hypnotic read.

I’m not sure if there is all that much ‘healing’ here as the press on this album would let us believe. As songs, there isn’t alot to grab on to in a traditional sense; this is more a wavy bunch of soundscapes created by wonderful musicians rolling under a fine vocalist. The best I can offer is that Yuval Ron and Uyanga Bold’s Sacred Spiral is something unusual, and if you are of a mind, you might just find it meditative and something to envelope yourself in.

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